PBS American Masters is a program created by The WNET Group which showcases film biographies of a broad cast of characters who make up the cultural history of America. One of the most recent episodes focuses on rock and roll legend Little Richard.
Richard Wayne Penniman was born in 1932 in Macon, Georgia. He was described as the "Architect of Rock and Roll," stemming from his music from the mid-1950s. A charismatic showman whose raspy vocals were accompanied by frenzied piano playing is now featured in an episode of the PBS series American Masters released in June 2023.
This episode which features interviews with Keith Richards, Ringo Star, Big Freedia, Nile Rogers, Pat Boone, Little Richard's spiritual advisor Reverend Bill Minson and more, delves into his influence in music and his advocacy for the rights of black artists.
Little Richard: King and Queen of Rock 'n' Roll also includes audio recordings that have never been heard before made by Little Richard's authorized biographer and interviewee, Charles White (a.k.a. Dr. Rock).
The video below chronicles the origins of one of Little Richard's famous songs, "Tutti Frutti."
Little Richard is recognized as one of the first crossover black artists who broke racial barriers through his music and performances. His concerts were attended by both black and white audiences. This was in the era of Jim Crow laws when segregation was still trying to be enforced. His groundbreaking rock and roll broke music and racial boundaries.
Don't miss Little Richard: King and Queen of Rock 'n' Roll, now airing on your local PBS channel.
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