The comedy hard rock duo of Jack Black and Kyle Gass, otherwise known as Tenacious D, dropped a new original song complete with a 3D animated video. Revolver magazine reports that this is the first song from the duo since their fourth album Post-Apocalypto, in 2018.
Tenacious D was formed in 1994 and derived its name from a phrase used by NBA sportscasters Walt Frazier and Marv Albert, “tenacious defense.” The first album, self-titled, would be released in 2001 and lead to a friendship with former Nirvana drummer and Foo Fighter frontman Dave Grohl. Meeting Grohl would lead to a working relationship that would see the duo star in the Foo Fighters' “Learn to Fly” video and opening for the band. By the end of the ‘90s, Tenacious D would support mega acts such as Beck, Took, Weezer, and Pearl Jam.
The new song “Video Games” has a country twang and was released with a fantastic animated video that was directed by Oneyplays creative minds Adam Paloian (Spongebob Squarepants) and Chris "Oney" O'Neill (YouTube’s Oney Plays). The video honors several video game characters, which Black and Gass transform into, including Sonic & Tails, Link, Kratos, Lara Croft, Red Dead Cowboys, and more, with Black changing into Mario instead of Bowser. Sadly, Gass has a rough time during the video as he keeps losing lives. But Black is pleased with the song as he states at the end of the video, “That it; that’s the one. It’s on the album.”
" “It’s about growing up and leaving childish things behind, but then realizing that video games are more than just mindless toys. In fact, they can be a true expression of huge ideas that belong in the pantheon of great works of art! "Jack Black & Kyle Gass
Tenacious D - Video Game - new single
Jack Black recently made headlines with his new solo song “Peaches,” an earworm from The Super Mario Bros. Movie, in which Black stars as Bowser. The song, sung in proper Jack Black form with Bowser energy, hit the US Billboard Hot 100 with the video racking 17 million views in 11 days on YouTube.
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